Nuestros Servicios

¿Cómo Podemos Ayudar?

La educación brinda servicios de participación para jóvenes y familias desde el periodo prenatal hasta la edad adulta. Nuestro enfoque principal es la preparación escolar, la alfabetización, los programas extraescolares, la abogacía juvenil, y más.

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Nuestro departamento de Bienestar Comunitario se centra en el bienestar integral de personas, familias y comunidades. Esto incluye educación nutricional, clínicas móviles con acceso a atención dental, y servicios para personas de la tercera edad.

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Los programas de sostenibilidad económica apoyan a las familias con ingresos limitados a participar en servicios y actividades diseñados para mejorar su bienestar, sus condiciones de vivienda, y aumentar su potencial de ingresos.

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UNICA ofrece una línea de crisis bilingüe de apoyo para sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica o agresión sexual, intervención contra el tráfico sexual, apoyo legal, terapia psicológica, y programas de intervención y prevención de abuso las 24 horas del día.

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Nuestras Humildes Raíces

Cómo Empezamos

Las humildes raíces de El Programa Hispano comenzaron en 1982 cuando un pequeño grupo de trabajadores comunitarios de Servicios Familiares Católicos (Catholic Family Services), ahora Caridades Católicas de Oregon (Catholic Charities of Oregon – CCO), llevaron a cabo servicios comunitarios para los trabajadores agrícolas inmigrantes latines en el este del condado de Multnomah. En 2015, con el apoyo de CCO, El Programa se convirtió en una organización 501©3 independiente. Hoy en día, servimos a más de 32,000 personas anualmente en las áreas de sostenibilidad económica, educación, bienestar comunitario y prevención, intervención y defensa contra la violencia doméstica y la agresión sexual. Nuestra visión es una comunidad Latine próspera la cual viva a nuestro máximo potencial.

Aunque El Programa está afiliado a la red de Caridades Católicas, posibles empleados o participantes no necesitan ser católicos para trabajar con nosotros o recibir servicios. Nuestros programas y servicios incluyen personal de todas las religiones, o de ninguna, los cuales cumplen con nuestra misión de promover la dignidad de las personas y el bienestar de nuestra comunidad.

Nuestro Impacto

Cuántas Personas Hemos Ayudado

Estadísticas para el año fiscal 2021-2022


Participantes Bajo Gestión de Casos

Eventos Comunitarios

Estudiantes Inscritos en los Programas de Enlace y Defensa Juvenil

Estudiantes Inscritos en Actividades

Participantes Inscritos en Programas

Hogares Inscritos en Nuestros Programas

Llamadas a la Línea de Crisis

Participantes Solicitaron Servicios

Nuestro Impacto

Cuántas Personas Hemos Ayudado

Estadísticas para el año fiscal 2021-2022


Hogares Inscritos en Nuestros Programas

Eventos Comunitarios

Estudiantes Inscritos en los Programas de Enlace y Defensa Juvenil

Estudiantes Inscritos en Actividades

Participantes Inscritos en Programas

Participantes Bajo Gestión de Casos

Llamadas a la Línea de Crisis

Participantes Solicitaron Servicios

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Help us fight systemic inequities to better serve and empower Latine children, families, and seniors. There are so many ways to help! Sign up to be a volunteer or donate today.

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Esta semana, varios miembros de nuestro equipo de UNICA asistieron a la conferencia del Instituto Nacional de Capacitación (NTI) en Portland para aprender de varios líderes en el campo de los servicios para sobrevivientes. Organizado por el Centro Nacional para Víctimas de Crimen. (NCVC), NTI reúne un “enfoque multidisciplinario para compartir prácticas prometedoras, investigaciones actuales y programas y políticas eficaces que se centran en las víctimas, se basan en la práctica y se basan en la investigación”.
This week, several members of our UNICA team attended the National Training Institute (NTI) conference in Portland to learn from various leaders in the field of survivor services. Organized by the National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC), NTI brings together a “multidisciplinary approach to sharing promising practices, current research, and effective programs and policies that are victim-centered, practice-based, and research-informed.”
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Esta semana, varios miembros de nuestro equipo de UNICA asistieron a la conferencia del Instituto Nacional de Capacitación (NTI) en Portland para aprender de varios líderes en el campo de los servicios para sobrevivientes. Organizado por el Centro Nacional para Víctimas de Crimen. (NCVC), NTI reúne un “enfoque multidisciplinario para compartir prácticas prometedoras, investigaciones actuales y programas y políticas eficaces que se centran en las víctimas, se basan en la práctica y se basan en la investigación”.
This week, several members of our UNICA team attended the National Training Institute (NTI) conference in Portland to learn from various leaders in the field of survivor services. Organized by the National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC), NTI brings together a “multidisciplinary approach to sharing promising practices, current research, and effective programs and policies that are victim-centered, practice-based, and research-informed.”
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We are wrapping up this work week and National Community Schools Coordinator Appreciation Week highlighting Miguel Tandy, our SUN Site Manager at Wilkes Elementary School!

Miguel was asked a funny question by a student this week “Mr. Tandy, if I do all my homework this week, do you think I’ll grow taller by Friday?”. It was such an innocent and funny question that reminded him of how they’re always making connections between what they hear and their own world.

He loves to create opportunities for students to grow both inside and outside the classroom. He believes that every child deserves access to enrichment programs that support their learning and personal development, no matter their background. Being able to make a positive impact in their lives and seeing them succeed in different areas keeps is what keeps him motivated every day.

#coordinatorsrock #CoordinatorsRock #coordinatorsrocks
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We are wrapping up this work week and National Community Schools Coordinator Appreciation Week highlighting Miguel Tandy, our SUN Site Manager at Wilkes Elementary School!

Miguel was asked a funny question by a student this week “Mr. Tandy, if I do all my homework this week, do you think I’ll grow taller by Friday?”. It was such an innocent and funny question that reminded him of how they’re always making connections between what they hear and their own world.

He loves to create opportunities for students to grow both inside and outside the classroom. He believes that every child deserves access to enrichment programs that support their learning and personal development, no matter their background. Being able to make a positive impact in their lives and seeing them succeed in different areas keeps is what keeps him motivated every day.

#coordinatorsrock #CoordinatorsRock #coordinatorsrocksImage attachmentImage attachment

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Congratulations Miguel; keep up the good work! 🎉

Gracias por todo lo que hacen! Felicidades!

Miguel, Miguel, Miguel!!! Keep up the geeat work Karnalito. Tenemos una caminata pendiente.

We're still in celebration mode! Today, as part of the National Community Schools Coordinator Appreciation Week, we want to highlight the amazing Nati Santos, who is the SUN Site Manager at Highland Elementary School.

Nati has been a SUN Site Manager for 3 years and her favorite grade to work with is 1st grade because they remind her to be patient, kind and positive with their big smiles and compliments.

She finds inspiration to continue her work through the connections she builds with her students and their families, it warms her heart when they see her as part of their family. It is rewarding for her to know how she has made a difference in their lives by sharing resources and supporting their students in school.

Thank you Nati for all you do!

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Were still in celebration mode! Today, as part of the National Community Schools Coordinator Appreciation Week, we want to highlight the amazing Nati Santos, who is the SUN Site Manager at Highland Elementary School.

Nati has been a SUN Site Manager for 3 years and her favorite grade to work with is 1st grade because they remind her to be patient, kind and positive with their big smiles and compliments.

She finds inspiration to continue her work through the connections she builds with her students and their families, it warms her heart when they see her as part of their family. It is rewarding for her to know how she has made a difference in their lives by sharing resources and supporting their students in school.

Thank you Nati for all you do!

#CoordinatorsRockImage attachment

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We love Nati!!! 🥰

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El Programa Hispano is a social service nonprofit that serves the entire lifespan to address the social determinants of health.

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