Our services Community Wellness Social workers focused on bringing services and resources to promote the wellbeing of the community. Donate

Provides adults over the age of 60 with culturally specific meals, group activities, and case management.

Provide universal access to nutritious food, nutrition education, and restoration of culturally specific connection to land and food.

Provides accessible healthcare for our community with comprehensive medical care, dental cleaning, as well as other resources.

Independence, Autonomy and Choice.

Aging Services

Our aging services program has three main goals:

  1. Provide culturally responsive and person-centered services to help aging adults maintain their independence, autonomy, and choice.
  2. Reduce social isolation by creating a space for the Latinx aging community to connect with one another and celebrate their Latinx roots, language, customs, and traditions.
  3. Improve the health status of our aging community by promoting healthy eating, physical and emotional health.
We currently offer

5 specialized services for aging people

  • Culturally Responsive Meals & Nutrition Education
  • Intensive case management for older adults and their family members
  • Information & Referral Services
  • Transportation Services
  • Social Engagement Activities

Our services are open to individuals 60 years and older, adults living with a disability, and family caregivers.

For information about our services, referrals to other available resources and specific requirements, please call our Aging Services Information & Referral line at 503-489-6831.

Information & Referral Line

Aging Services

Holistic Well-being

Food Justice

Our Food Justice program aims to end food insecurity which is experienced by communities of color in the Portland Metro Area due to racial and ethnic disparities.

We address these issues by providing the following services:

  • Free food Pantries and Markets: culturally specific and nutritious food is accessible to the community six times each month at different school-based locations.
  • Nutrition Education: We provide education regarding nutrition and food sustainability practices.

For more information regarding our school-based Food Pantries, Free Food Markets, and workshops, click on the links below:

Accessible Health Care for All

Mobile Health Van

Mobile Health Van Services provide accessible healthcare for our community with comprehensive medical care, dental cleaning, as well as other resources.

Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, ever month.
3:30pm to 6:30pm

These are some of the services offered:

  • Comprehensive Medical Care
    • Physical Exams
    • Chronic disease diagnosis/management
    • Reproductive health
    • Pregnancy testing
    • Behavioral health referrals
  • Dental Cleanings
  • Select on-site lab testing
  • Limited prescription dispensing
  • Vaccines
    • Hep A
    • Hep B
    • Flu
    • Pneumonia
    • (COVID **Coming Soon**)

If you need more information, please download a flyer using the buttons below:


El Programa Hispano is a social service nonprofit that serves the entire lifespan to address the social determinants of health.