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Comunidad Conference
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We are devoted to creating healthier communities. No matter who you are or where you live, you should have access to what you need to achieve health and wellness.
Our Services
El Programa Hispano is a culturally specific organization that embraces our Latine culture by empowering our communities, supporting their immediate needs, and working towards systems change.
Our Services
Advocating for Our Services Your fight, is our fight! Tu lucha, es nuestra lucha!
We work to advance racial equity and social justice in programs and systems in partnership with our community.
Providing We support individuals and families by providing the tools for a bright future and stable home. Our Services

Our services

How can we help?

Education provides youth and family engagement services from prenatal to adulthood. Our primary focus is on school readiness, literacy, after school programs, youth advocacy & more.

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Community Wellness focuses on the holistic well-being of individuals, families, and communities. This includes increase food access, nutrition education, mobile health clinic with access to dental care, and services for aging adults.

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Economic Sustainability programs support families with limited or no-income to engage in services and activities designed to improve their well-being and housing conditions and increase their earning potential.

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UNICA provides 24-hour bilingual (Spanish/English) domestic violence/sexual assault crisis line, sex trafficking intervention, advocacy, counseling, abuse prevention & interventions programs.

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Our Humble Roots

How we got started

El Programa Hispano’s humble roots began in 1982 when a small group of outreach workers from Catholic Family Services, now Catholic Charities of Oregon (CCO), conducted outreach to Latino migrant farmworkers in East Multnomah County. In 2015, with the support of CCO, El Programa became an independent 501(c)3 organization. Today, we serve more than 20,000 individuals annually in the areas of Economic Sustainability, Education, Community Wellness and UNICA, our Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault prevention, intervention, and advocacy program. Our vision is a thriving Latine Community living to our fullest potential.

Although EPHC is affiliated with the Catholic Charities Network, a candidate or participant does not need to be a Catholic to work with us or to receive services. Across our programs and services, staff of all faiths or none, work within our framework of respect for our mission, a person’s dignity and the common good.

Our Impact

How many we've helped

Stats FY 23-24


Participants Under Case Management




Participant Groups



Our Impact

How many we've helped

Stats for 21-22 fiscal year


Households Enrolled in Programs


Outreach Events


Students Enrolled in Enlace and Youth Advocacy


Students Enrolled in Activities


Participants Enrolled in Programs


Participants Under Case Management


Crisis Line Calls


Participants Requesting Services

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Help us fight systemic inequities to better serve and empower Latine children, families, and seniors. There are so many ways to help! Sign up to be a volunteer or donate today.

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🚨¡Urgente: Defendamos el acceso a vivienda a precios económicos!
El Programa Hispano se opone firmemente a el recorte del 50% del presupuesto para el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD, por sus siglas en inglés) propuesto por el Departamento de Eficiencia Gubernamental (DOGE por sus siglas en inglés). Si se aprueba, esta reducción drástica afectará gravemente la capacidad de nuestr
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¡Ya casi llegamos! 🎉
¡La Conferencia VOCES de la Comunidad está a la vuelta de la esquina! No te pierdas esta oportunidad de apoyar a sobrevivientes y defensores, compartir recursos valiosos y construir juntos una comunidad más fuerte.

🎟 ¡Reserva tu lugar ya! Solo visita tinyurl.com/a2tv5urh

We’re almost there! 🎉
The VOCES de la Comunidad Conference is just around the corner! Don’t
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Tienen becas?

🌿 Priorizando el bienestar, paso a paso!
Esta semana, nuestro equipo dio un refrescante paseo juntos para apoyar la salud mental y el bienestar. En tiempos de incertidumbre, crear espacios para moverse, conectar y recargar energías es más importante que nunca.

Muchísimas gracias a nuestro increíble Comité de Eventos Sociales por organizar este evento tan significativo y por siempre defender nuestr
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El Programa Hispano is a social service nonprofit that serves the entire lifespan to address the social determinants of health.